A Hairy Head Emerges From The Sewer Triggering A Rescue Mission 8U

When animal control officers in Lexington, Kentucky, recently received a call about a husky stuck in a local drain, officers were confused. Rushing to the scene, officials soon saw for themselves: a large husky named Sebastian was stuck under the road, peering desperately through a crack in the concrete slabs.

“We don’t know how [he] got there,” a Lexington-Fayette Animal Care and Control representative told The Dodo. “But we suspect he got in through the drain pipe and couldn’t figure out how to get out the way he got in.”

Officers were glad that despite his sticky situation, Sebastian was in good spirits. They quickly began working to remove the drain cover for easier access.

“[Sebastian] had always wanted to meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!” Lexington-Fayette Animal Care and Control joked in a Facebook post about the rescue. “But instead, he came face to face with a couple of Animal Control Officers!”

Soon, the energetic Sebastian was climbing out of the drain, back on solid ground, where he belonged.

Back at the animal control facility, rescuers made contact with Sebastian’s concerned family, who were overjoyed that their furry boy was safe. The family made plans to pick him up as soon as they could. Meanwhile, friendly Sebastian was busy making friends at the rescue, surely clueless about the trouble he had caused.

“He had a blast being rescued and enjoyed his stay,” the rep said. “I would 100 percent do it again.”